2011년 11월 26일 토요일

Reflective essay-after 20years

             Before I write reflective essay, I have to make two crucial premises. The first premise is that I am married man who has son or daughter. Being alive to that age is a vital assumption that I should made. Now, let’s begin the “real” essay.
             To. My Son
           As your father, son, I am writing this letter that might help you in the future. You have to be aware that you are the “subject” who pioneers your life. This cannot be done or hand over by me, your mother or other people. It means that you are the only one who is charge of your life, inferring you have to lead your life “alone”.
           There are times you might feel exhaustion, tiredness, sorrow or loneliness that you want to give up. This is a moment that you want to depend on others. Parents are not enough to be your prop. Because, I lived in different environment with different social atmosphere, I might have different thought with you, or you will be mad at me because I cannot understand you fully. It will increase your anger, not helping you. This is why you need friends. Your friend will understand you more, make you feel better than me and finally will be your supporter. But, you have to make “good” friends. Although, it’s not right to judge people good or bad, you have to make good friends. You need friends who can rely on whenever you are difficult, who you can trust more than your parents. Not only these, but you have to make friends who could lead you in a better way, a way that is moral, not to a corruption.  
           You might think “why my father is sending this letter to me that is useless”. But, as a senior of life, and as a person who experiences and went through the life earlier than you, my son, I believe these are really important for you later in future.

           I will again make some more nitpicks then. I hope that you live as you are, making your characteristics, making your dream and work to achieve your dream. I will try my best, not to interrupt you, maximizing your liberty. But, you have to know that responsibility follows after your freedom of decision.
           You do not have to abuse yourself to study well, or go to the high level university. If you believe you are interested or good at other things, you do not need to be captured in studying. There are many other ways to live, except study. Be brave, and do things that you really like, or ask me to help you to support your interest. I am ready to support you as my parents did it to me. You have to make a chance; you should not wait the chance to come to you. And, do not lose self-confidence, and be brave.
           Oh, I would not touch about your future girlfriend. I believe making many girlfriends will help you to find your wife in future. Find a girl that you really love, a girl whom you can lean. Beauty is not the best thing.
           I love you, my son.

                                                                                               May, 5, 2030
                                                  The day when my son went out to the world 10months        

Mr. Moon's assignment

3. Define briefly the systems approach to business management. Illustrate how this differs from the traditional approach.

           Design, the most important system, is the term that brief out modern business management style. Consumers first pursue convenience rather than beauty, but as consumers fulfill enough convenience; they pursue beauty more than convenience. So, the term design, art of business managing, comes out toward administrators. Not just a design, but design thinking is an important system in today’s business administrating. There are lots of other things that have changed as time pass, not only design thinking.
           At the past, there were no typical systems for producers in firms, just giving motivations to employers for efficiency and pursuing employees’ profits. For the efficiency, company “Ford” made a chain belt that raise efficiency, making more products than the time when one worker made one product. This is different from modern day process. Now, factories use “cell production system” that consist with some skilled workers working in a one cell and take charge of one product. This is useful because we need small people than chain belt, and can easily change quantity of output that minimizes loss. For example, the company “Canon” uses this system; it has reduced the days of average inventory on hand and increased the experts.
Other firm made a specialize structure, a firm that are specialize on only one field. This structure seems to handle works efficiently because it seems to make idea easily by having many experts working on one field. But, as time pass firms cannot depend only one field, because it is hard to get lots of creative ideas. So, companies use “design thinking” as a system of their companies. Simply design thinking means to combine many fields and find solutions of the problems. The problems do not limit into companies’ problems but other global issues. The best fit company which uses this “design thinking” system is “IDEO”. In the meeting, many people who have different major talks about one issue. If there is a good idea, they design it into real product and sell it to the other companies. We could infer that past firm focus on specialization, but modern firm focus on unification.
Choosing specific customers are different advertisement system from the past which advertise to all common people. Past advertisement aimed all the people, but now companies aim particular people in the society. It means that when the company produces a good, they select customers: female, male, young, old, job and so on. The most typical items that choose customers are luxury goods. Brands that produce luxury goods aim top drawers in the society who have lots of money. “Gucci,” “Chanel,” “Prada” and “Rolex” are one of those brands. Items made from these brands are highly expensive that only wealthy people could buy it. By differentiating the customers and making patrons, these brands easily make profits than other brands in market.
As industry grows, many management systems have changed: producer line, structure and advertisement. This change is base on increase of economic level that led change of consumers’ tastes about the goods which require more quantity, aesthetic and fitness. We could see the examples, adopt new management system, are highly successful and well-known companies in our society.         

2011년 11월 20일 일요일

Review of a TED video:Gabe Zichermann: How games make kids smarter

            Readers of this essay probably had conflicts with their mother due to video games or computer games. According to my experience, my mother said to me in gravity voice “turn off that computer game, it will make you violent, and it will also harm your brain”. It is an insipid cliché. But, I was a kid who likes to play games, but I thought mother’s words are right, and stop the game. And, I thought about a person who could tell my mother that the game is good for me, and for the children. When I look up the TED homepage to choose a video to see, the title “How games make kids smarter” caught me up. Who prove my mother’s words are fallacious. So, Gabe Zicherman would be a laudable man, if I was a kid.

           This video tells about the positive side of a game, with a new word called “gamification.”  According to Gabe Zichermann, there are 5 common features of succeeded game: seek novelty, challenge yourself, think creatively, do things the hard way and network. Also, the 5 things that enhanced fluid intelligence correspond with those common features. G generation is another term that he used in his lecture. He said that age of KMLA students or newly born generations are pivotally affected with the game than book. So, the education, base on game than book, is more effective. Gabe Zichermann gave an example about this effectiveness. This experiment is held by Ananth Pai, who used Nintendo DS as assistant of an education toward 3rd grade of elementary school that is a great exemplary. After 18 weeks, the average level of learning augmented to 4th grade of elementary school. Gabe Zichermann said that it is because of a game that produces dopamine, a motivator of study. He gave an advice to the parents: get in to the game with your kids.
           After hearing this lecture, I wanted to tell to all of the parents, including dorm parents, who are against computer games, “Do not touch kids when kids are playing a game, it will help your kids’ future”. Also, I think about my status, dubious about how my present life would differ when my mother allowed me to play games. I will write about my present life, if I played a game as I wanted, although it is fickle.
           First thought that comes into my mind is that I won’t be here, in KMLA. If I just played game, my head will be specialized to the game, and does not work or dearth interest except for the game. This means that I would not be interested in the book, but would rather react only to the flash lights coming out from the monitor. So, I would not have test scores for application of KMLA, or would not apply to KMLA, because I would not be interested in it. It is a conspicuous result.
           Also, I would be vehement on algorism, C language or things that are related with programming. Playing games all day long will bore me and make me to find the source about the games. And, I would voluntary work hard to make my own game, due to feeling of timid. So, to make a game, I have to learn about computer languages, and learn it with Internet lecture, not by the books. I might get an award in the IT Olympiad. Then, I could enter NEXON, BLIZZARD or other computer game company that fits into my interest. And, I might engender a famous game.
Not only that I would not be verbose kid like now, because I would not make amity with friends.
          Because, I prefer to be in the KMLA than working as an engineer, I believe there should be restrictions on playing game. It is ironic. But, I sincerely agree with the fact that game makes me happy and complacent.


2011년 11월 12일 토요일

movie review

       It is hard to watch a movie in KMLA, but I spend my time to see a movie call ‘The Unjust.’ Because, this movie is directed by 류승완, and there are many famous actors in the movie: 황정민, 류승범, 유해진, 천호진. And, I liked the friend comment about this movie, he said “I do not recommend you to see this movie, because after I watch this movie, I hate human.” This comment is the feeling that I felt after I watched this movie.
           The movie starts with the scene of murder crime. This crime is issue because it cut a girl into pieces after raping her. Due to this crime, the president of Korea asked the prosecution and the police to find the criminal as soon as possible. Because, there are no evidences except destroyed blood cells, they cannot find the criminal, even suspects. So, the head of police demands his old friend 황정민 who is a policeman to make a criminal. On the other side, there are bribes between a prosecutor and a CEO. CEO is giving lots of money to the prosecutor for withdrawing a trail. 황정민 use 유해진 who is a gang, to make “innocent” man a criminal by violence and money. After 황정민 captured “innocent man,” he elevated his status. But, a prosecutor-류승범-find out this “dirty job” between 황정민 and 유해진, threatening 황정민. However, 황정민 had photos about the bribe between 류승범 and the CEO. So, they exchange their “secret,” and go back to work. But, few days later, the “innocent man” is proven that he is a real criminal by solving DNA from destroyed blood cells. When, 황정민’s coworkers found out the “backdoor trade,” they killed 황정민, and the pictures of bribe between the CEO and 유해진 were spread to journals. At the end, 류승범’s backer help 류승범 by saying that he will blow a drug crimes to the journal, and it will make citizens forget about 류승범.
           As I mentioned before, I saw this movie due to my friend’s review about this movie: I do not recommend you to see this movie, because after I watch this movie, I hate human. Well, I felt that way. I find out the dirty side of Korea Society, and black minds of people. This movie points out the society where money and power can be used as absolute ability that can even hide the scandals. I could feel this emotion overall film, but more acutely at the end where 류승범’s backer said “few days later, there will be drug crisis in the entertainment world. It will gonna help you to solve this problem.” Also, this film criticize the Korea society’s mood about the “line” that is necessary to succeed in Korea. This line means having same college, having same born area and knowing people who are powerful in the society. I really felt awkward toward human beings, and I promise myself to pay tax as government say and to live morally. And, I want to live as my brain and heart tell me what things to do, not trying to read others’ face.
           I liked this movie because it has described the dark side like desire of money, power and fame. I am not saying that desire is a bad thing, but I am saying that behaviors to achieve those things are not moral and even killing people. Also, the acts of the actors were really great. 유해진 act well during the scene to make “criminal.” It was so real that feeling of abhor, madness to 유해진 and sympathy to “made criminal.” A famous line comes at this scene, he says “You murdered a kid from now on.”
 Not only 유해진, but 류승범 act well as a corrupted prosecutor. He sketched himself as an animal which is hungry at money. He is a character who can use his power-a prosecutor-to earn, or control other people. When he had conflict with CEO, he said “Are you laughing Korean prosecutor? Hah? Can you control your mind, after I talk about you back trade of your building?” Finally, 류승완, a director, made a good mood during the story and give reality of this plot. So, my overall score for this film is

2011년 11월 9일 수요일

Three words describing yourself

     In the ocean, lots of fish exist. And, one of the fish in the ocean represents me. I change my feature to survive in the ocean, like adopting gills and fins. Like a real world, winners and losers exist in the ocean and I have to be strong to win the competition, to secure foods and to protect family. Also, I as a ocean, I accept many other fish, changing myself as fish's characteristics. I change temperature and transparency that best fits to the fish. I change myself to make peaceful atmosphere among fish, it's like a solar system. Solar system stay in the best balance, spinning around Sun, that is harmonious. I try hard to keep harmony between friends or teachers. People do not interfere with others very much but take effect from others, like one planet take effect from other planets' gravity. Fish, ocean and solar system describe me as I exist.

2011년 11월 6일 일요일

Reading Journal-The body

           Metafiction is a word that readers have to think about during reading this story: The Body. And, there is a part of story that is written by Gordon. But, I want to be specific about the very first part of The Body. Where it starts with “The most important things are the hardest things to say.” While I read this part, I could not understand it, although I read it several times.
           Why the most important things are the hardest things to say. There are much more important things that we could think. Like love, family or friendships and so on. But, why, the hardest things to say are the most important things? Well, the clue to solve this question was on the next sentence: they are the things you get ashamed of, because words diminish them-words shrink things that seemed limitless when they were in your head to no more than living size when they’re brought out. There are things that we cannot express with the human expression, it would be better to be stay in our thoughts, imagination. For example, if you married with the girl who you really like, how can you express feeling with the words, or how could you catch the scene of it. We cannot catch or maintain that scene by taking photo or writing in the diary. If we do, we cannot fully express the feelings. And this is the meaning of limiting things that are in your head.
           Also, “the most important things lie too close to wherever your secret heart is buried, like landmarks to a treasure your enemies would love to steal away.” I believe this phrase means that values that are important to us are easily detected from others, although we hide those values in our heart.
           The author also wrote about the “worst case.” He says that it will be so sad when the listeners could not understand the importance of the values that you think it is really important.