2012년 4월 10일 화요일

2nd draft, three sides story

Narrative-3rd perspective

The last game of the World Series 2014 is heading toward an end, the 12th inning. The Saint Louis Cardinals is winning a game by achieving three points, and the New York Yankees earning two points. The New York Yankee is on the offense side, and the Saint Louis Cardinals is on the defense side. Victor Manuel Cartel, a winner of “closer of the year” in last year, is heading toward the mound with loud claps from his fans. He gets 5 balls to throw on the mound.
“Look at that ball, it records 102 mph”

“Can you hear the sound of the fans screaming? This stadium is full of shouting and yelling”

Now a judge declares play ball, and the batter, Brett Gardner, is entering batter’s box.

Victor Manuel Cartel easily makes one out count by a flying ball, and he also easily makes second out count by a strike out. So, the only one out count is left for Saint Cardinals to win this game. And everyone in the stadium is screaming out one name “VICTOR MANUEL CARTEL.”

Cartel! Cartel! Cartel!

A 3rd batter from Yankee side, Robinson Cano, hit a ball after a tight match with Victor Manuel Cartel.

“Two outs and one runner in a 1st base, we see the hope”
“The baseball game really starts at 9th inning with 2 outs”
“Who is a next batter?”
Yankees’ fans are full of madness after this hit.

Finally, a batter stands on the batter’s box surrounded by a name “Victor Manuel Cartel.” It’s a Derek Jeter. Now Yankees’ fans are screaming “homerun” as Derek Jeter comes out.

Homerun! Homerun! Homerun!

Now a battle of the century is going to begin.


Victor Manuel Cartel-1st perspective
I made two outs. Although other people think I easily made two outs, I don’t think so, it wasn’t easy. First out that I made was by fly ball, and that ball almost went back the wall. It was very lucky that wind helped me to resist ball from going back to the wall. If there was no wind, I think that ball would be homerun. Also, it was a hard process to make a second out. To make a strike out, I and the second batter went to full count. This means that some batters in Yankees won’t be fooled by my breaking balls.
But, I only need one more out to end this game. If I end this game, I can be a hero. Then, I can raise my annual income and I can be a super star. I want to win this game as fast as I can.
Oh, I can hear my fans shouting my name.

 Cartel! Cartel! Cartel!
What a nice sound to hear!

But I can hear disturbing phrase: homerun.
Homerun Jeter! Homerun! You can do it.

Homerun? Do these Yankees’ fans think I will give a homerun? Who am I? I am a Victor Manuel Cartel who won “closer of year” last year. No, no I shouldn’t think about those disturbing words, I should only think about this game, a winning game. Let’s just throw a ball. But, that shouting really disturbs me.
…………Oh $hit?! That ball slipped down from my finger. Oh no!


Derek Jeter-2nd perspective

           It’s the last chance for Yankee to win this game. I am the hope of the Yankee. If I am out, my team can’t play anymore, we lose.

Homerun! Homerun! Homerun!

What? Are these guys mad? Do they think I can hit a homerun from a Cartel? I can’t hold this suppression. Everybody is watching me.

Cartel! Cartel! Cartel!
So disturbing noise. Can Cardinals’ fans shut their mouse up? Why they are so noisy? I can’t concentrate on the pitcher.
Okay. Relax. Let’s think that I and Cartel is only on the stadium. He is going to throw a ball and my mission to hit his ball. That’s all I need to do. Do not think of homerun!

Uh? The ball is coming toward the center of the strike zone.


Homerun or foul?


Narrator-3rd perspective

Derek Jeter hit the ball and it’s going far far behind.

Derek Jeter made it. He is a hero of Yankees. He made Yankee to win the World Series.

Victor Manuel Cartel-1st perspective


Is it homerun?
Really is it homerun?
Do I lose the game?

Something came out from my eyes. And I can’t hear the sound. It feels that I am alone on the mound. I have no power to assist my body.

Oh no.. my dream.. is gone.

2012년 4월 9일 월요일

3rd draft: catfish

           Human beings are social animals.This means that human beings can’t live without interacting with other people. As people interacted with other people throughout human history, the term “friend” evolved. To me, a friend is someone who I can really trust.
           As I watched the movie “Catfish,” I desperately began to think about relationships” between people. The movie is about a woman, Angela who used a fake ID, Megan, to contact a man; Nev. Megan and Nev were interested in each other and had great time using Facebook, a place where it is possible to meet people without knowing them personally. Nev and Megan felt actual love and affection toward each other under the term “friends” on Facebook. A relationship without knowing the real identity of someone seems awkward, doesn’t it? On the Internet, we use the term “friend” to qualify someone we do not know. Like this, people tend to use the word “friend” more easily and lightly than before. This is why I thought about the meaning of “real friend” in our modern society after watching this movie.

           Before the age of Facebook, people met other people and gradually developed their relationships personally. Because people had to meet in a same place to communicate; it actually made people easily to determine a man who is suitable for “friend.” If person “A” wanted to be closer with person “B”, A and B should meet frequently. As they meet each other, they get to know each other because they talk. They talk about social problems, friendships, private life, etc. By having conversations with these topics, both A and B get close enough to know each other beyond just typing. And friend A could also read the inner emotion of friend B, because people see the emotional changes. So, real friends can really understand feelings and minds off line. For example, when I was attending first year in middle school, I had no friends. But, as I and my classmates met frequently, we get to know each other. And as I knew each other better, I could define the people who should I get closer or not. One of my classmates was really friendly and understands my mind and thoughts. So, I and my classmate played together, and became a best friend. And, I and my best friend communicate each other until now and spend time together when I go home.

           But, in reality, it is hard to make or to find a real friend. This is because the atmosphere of modern society is “competition” and “individualism.” People mainly think about their own interests, and less about others. Because social interacting involves inherent disadvantages that one person should give up his interests to keep relationship with another. But, as people do not want to give up their interest and people do not want to sacrifice themselves. So, it is hard to find a friend who can really understand other people. For example, when I was attending middle school, I was so sick that I couldn’t listen to the sociology class. So, I asked one of my classmates to lend me a note of the part that I couldn’t listen. But, he didn’t lend me his note with a strange reason: his mother made him not to show his notes to other students.
           In the movie, Angela was so bored with her life that she wanted a man who can play and chat with her. She needed a “friend” who can make her life fresh. This shows another part of the problem; she was bored of her life. Because I just show the movie, it is just assumption; but, she didn’t interacted with other people, and other people did not care about her life. Although, she had busy and tough life due to her children, nobody cared about her. Other people stayed at their home, thinking about their own interests. This is just an assumption, but I believe this statement can really occurred as individualism is the characteristic of the modern society.
           Not only the atmosphere, but society has changed into a place where people easily contact other people. For example, in a Facebook friend list, there are many people who I don’t know. We just push a button that says “friend” to ask to be “accepted.” Because, Facebook is the largest part of Internet society, there are no limitations with time or place to meet other people. This means that people can easily find a “friend” who isn’t able to meet in real world. This situation led people to stay in their home, which lowered interactions between people in face to face. As people have many friends in online, it decreases the preciousness of each real friend that we establish offline. If you see the case in “Catfish,” Nev and Angela became friend through Facebook. I am not sure about the Nev, but Angela didn’t care about his husband who really cares her. This is an exemplary of the social situation that people don’t feel preciousness about their real friends.
           What made Angela’s life so bored and barred. Because I don’t have lots of information with Angela’s life; it’s hard to answer, but I believe that Facebook can be an answer to this question. According to “Catfish,” she didn’t go outside very much, because she was busy on doing her domestic works. Instead of going outside, she tends to use Facebook to make friends. As she continued this life pattern, she had no offline friends.

           This movie, Catfish, makes us to think about relationships between people that are established by social network system. Due to social network system, the meaning of friends was diluted. Not only the meaning, but it made people insensitive to real friends. Catfish is a great example that shows these changes on relationships.

2012년 4월 3일 화요일

three sides story

           October 27th, 2014. The last game of the World Series Baseball is finally heading toward the end, 9th inning. The New York Yankees is on the last offense, and the St. Louis Cardinals is on the defense. Victor Manuel Marte who is a winner of the closer of the year in the last year, is warming up for the last inning. If he blocks New York Yankees’ last offense, St. Louis Cardinals will win the game, and be the champion of year 2014. On the batter’s box, Russell Martin, an 8th batter, is preparing. Is he can be a Yankee’s hero, or are there other people who can be a Yankee’s hero? Let’s wait and see.
           St. Louis is winning by achieving three points, but New York Yankees didn’t make any scores.

New York Yankee vs. Saint Louis Cardinals
= 0 vs. 3

           What kind of ball I should throw? Ummh.. Let’s go with the fastball. Oh yeah, he swung! It’s a strike. Then, I will throw a curve. Two strike. I need one more ball for a strike out.

           Oh no….it’s already two strike… What will be the next ball? Fastball? Slider? Let’s just swing a bat. F(ire tr)uck! It was a forkball. I should move my ankle downward. Keung. Oh, it’s great that I cut that ball. It’s still two strikes, I have more chances. Let’s concentrate on the ball. I shouldn’t swing, this ball is a ball. 2 strikes and 1 ball.

One out

           It was easy. Who will be the next batter? It’s Brett Gardner…tricky one. Our team’s catcher is ordering me to go with a slider. Strike! It’s time for a fastball. KKang?! It’s going behind..far behind…Home run? No.. It’s just a foul. Brett Gardner is a nice batter, I should be careful with him. The catcher has same thought with me, let’s throw a fastball. Ball. Then, let’s go with a curve. Ball?! Why is that a ball, not a strike? Two balls and two strikes? What should I gonna do with him.

           It’s two ball two strikes. Marte is afraid of Brett Gardner. I should make Marte to throw fast ball that he is most confident with. Oh Brett Gardner cut his fast ball! This won’t be easy game. Marte throw a curve near Marte. Yeah, curve. Uh? That ball is heading toward the center of the strike zone. KKang…Gardner hit the ball.

           Oh..$h!t. Brett hit my ball. He is going to run to the 2nd base, I think. So, frustrating. Let’s just concentrate with the next batter, Derek Jeter. What? Derek Jeter? Oh no… I don’t feel so good about this. Ooops? Why my ball is too slow and heading toward the center of the strike zone? Don’t feel so good…Kkkkkannnnng! The ball is flying back..heading beyond a center fielder..Really? Really is it a homerun?

New York Yankee vs. Saint Louis Cardinals
= 2 vs. 3

           Okay…Don’t be afraid.. You are a final pitcher of this team, and you are still winning. Curtis Granderson is a next batter. He is a player who made 37 homeruns in this season. Can I strike him out? Let’s just throw a ball. Crack. Ooops..the ball that I throw hit him, and he knocked off.

1out, a runner in a 1st base
I think New York Yankee can win this game. Although, the next batter is Robinson Cano who is not in good condition, he has been good batter. He can be strike out, but there are one more chance. And that chance will go to Curtis Granderson, a man who is ranked first in homerun place.

           What should I do with him? Should I believe him one more time, or tell captain to change him with another pitcher? I think he has power but out of control. Who’s the next batter? Robinson Jose Cano…he is not in good condition. I should believe Marte.

           Ummmh….it’s Robinson Cano. He is a very very good batter but he is not in good condition. No, don’t think about him, just think about the game, not other things. I threw a fast-ball, strike. Then, I will throw a fork-ball. Swung. No sound. Yes, two strikes. For the last ball, I will throw a fork. Tahk..a bat is broken and the ball is heading toward the 2nd base. Oh yeah it’s a double play. It’s three out. I won the game. I am a champion.

Final game result

New York Yankees vs. St. Louis Cardinals
         = 2 vs. 3