2011년 9월 16일 금요일

two cues

Two cues

           Entertaining is one of the most important value in my life; maybe, important to all of human-kinds. We desire for joy and there are many different ways to resolve joy: game, music, dance and so on. But, I believe that game is the most common use way to solve our desire of entertainment. The game that is “as steady as a rocking horse, as subtle as a bruise,” is a “billiard.” And, billiard is a game that I like to play, and the game that I and my friend played after the test to forget about the scores. As I remind my memory about my play, I found that this game is similar with our lives. I will proof that billiard is similar to our lives for several reasons.
           First of all, a bet is one of the most important things as I and my friend play billiard. When I lose the game, I have to pay all of the money for the game I played, or I have to buy my friend a lunch or dinner. This means that winner takes all advantages. There must be winner and loser in this game. And, our society enforce us to make losers to make winners; although, there are way to cooperate together. After competition, winner is decided, and winner takes all advantages: money, power. This process, being winner, takes a large amount of time because there are many things to prepare or given talents. For example, winner have to study well to get a high score on the test, have to have leadership, have to have father’s economic support and practice. Like this, to be the winner on billiard game, it takes long time. I have to practice many times to control my ball, have to use brain to make picture after my turn, and there should be luck. Pursuing winner is a one thing that is similar between our lives and billiard, also both processes are steady.     
           Also, unpredictability is another same characteristic between billiard and life. Due to our small behaviors our future could change or mislead. I was playing billiard with my friend and I almost win the game; I scored 80 out of 100. But, I accidently hit the ball in a wrong direction, and my friend had a turn. I was sure that I would win because my friend was far away from ending score. However, my friend luckily won the game so I have to pay all the money and buy him a lunch. I did not expect that my mistake will lead this result. Life is same as billiard. We do not know the future because of our present behaviors. So, we have to be careful about our behaviors and have to work hard to make least mistakes. Not only our behaviors, but 3rd person could influence our future. In the game, if other player misbehavior could influence me. Because of my friend’s luck, I did not have chance to play and get a good score.
           To wrap up, there are some similarities between billiard and our life. Both things are unpredictable and characteristic of our society. But, I can say that life is much more joyful than just playing a billiard. There are many variables that could change our lives, and can feel the satisfaction through the interaction among people.      

2011년 9월 12일 월요일

Report about terror

Do Hyun Lee
Johnson Carlton
English Writing
17 May 2011
             Terror. What things come into your mind when you hear or see this word? Although, there can be many things but most of the people will think of 9.11 terror. Why this terror is taking place on many people’s thought? Because it made lots of damages to the big nation that is United State of America. Also, the Osama Bin Laden who is the leader of Al-Qaeda is known as the master mind of this people. By this fact, 9.11 terror is an perfect example that is against the big nation. When I was young and saw that terror, I just thought Osama Bin Laden is just a bad man who made lots of damages in the United States. Although I became old, I didn’t have time to think about this event and forgot about the terror. But due to the situation that happened in the Libya also the Osama Bin Laden’s death (Kwon 9 ) saying “Obama is the best terrorist on the world.”(Kwon, 9). And I found out terror is the world-wide problem. Also, I felt I have to think about this matter and have to find the solution of the terrorism that can help or change the world. Not only that, I felt reducing the terror will help to accommodate the global peace. I want to give the definite solutions to reduce the terrorism but I couldn’t find it, because I found there will be terrors in the future. But I will give the direction of the solutions in this essay. So, this essay will cover about my thought about the terrorisms and the direction to reduce the terrorisms.
             The definition of the terror refer only to those violent acts which are intended to create fear are perpetrated for a religious, political or ideological goal, deliberately target or disregard the safety of civilians, and are committed by non-government agencies
(Encyclopædia Britannica) But I want to define terror as a type of Bad Lands’ protests against empires or the actions that are behaved from empires to Bad Lands to require its goals. This means that the terror can occur in side way, between empire and the Bad Lands. You will be curious why I use the words Bad Lands or the empire. I will explain my definition of the words; bad lands and empire.

             Bad Lands

             The location and the geographical feature doesn’t concern with the countries called “Bad Lands.” Then, what’s the factor that makes countries to feel like Bad Lands. It is because of the government and citizens behave badly with bad sense. The countries tagged Bad Lands have similar people on their land; dictators, national heroes who have critical error, overestimate reformer and so on. Some of these people are overly pursuing the power or hold themselves sacred. There are many weird things happen on countries called Bad Lands. For example, in one nation the terrorist is respected to be a revolutionist, and on other nations’ leaders wants aids from the other countries wishing their country to get worse (Tony Wheeler. 8).


             The imperialism has gone and the economic blocks among countries are hastily breaking down. Now we are passing through the globalization that connects economy and cultures worldwide. With the global market and global production lines, the new form of orders, logics are derived. This means that new kind of sovereign is formed. And the empire is the country that controls the new trends, meaning the sovereign power of the world (Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri. 13)  
But, I want to say that empire and bad lands are not just limited to the countries. It can be just a little society or the human kinds. We can infer that terror can be held by individuals to the society. Then, let’s figure out why I define terror as the resistance that occurs against empire. According to FBI’s reports on the most of the terrors have goals to accomplish. For example, there was terror in the Baghdad, Iraq, killing the Ali Khudir al-Zind who was a prominent Sunni Seik. According to this report, unknown perpetrator killed him due to stop his attempts; to reconcile Sunnis and Shi’is(FBI,gov). Like this even, the small terror; comparing to other terrors, have a purpose. Let’s look at a big terror. There was a big terror in Glasgow Airport in 30. June. 2007. It was firing the Scotland’s biggest airport and this terror was occurred by Al-Qaida to resist against the western ideology (Global Terrorism Database). There are tons of other examples that prove my definition of the terror.  
Let’s find out the reasons of another definition of the terror; actions that are behaved from empires to Bad Lands to achieve goals. The best example that fits to this definition is the assassination of Osama bin Laden (Alex Altman, Michael Crowley. 24). Some people will be curious that why I call this incident “terror.” But, due to my definition, killing Osama bin Laden is a definite violent act that contains a purpose and that means this action is a terror. The purpose of killing Osama bin Laden is to accommodate the world-wide peace.
Although, the terrors might have a good purpose, these still combine the damages. It can destroy the buildings or harm humans. And we could find out that terrors are occurred due to the conflicts between the two nations or more. It will be good for world and society if there are no terrors in the world. But removing the terrors can only occur in the ideal society. I will give two reasons that why the terrors are occurring permanently in the real world.
First of all, human kinds and society that are consisted with human kinds have eager to have outer goods. “Capital is money, capital is commodities. By virtue of it being value, it has acquired the occult ability to add value to itself. It brings forth living offspring, or, at the least, lays golden eggs.” is said by Karl Marx (Karl Marx. 421). This means that society and human kinds continuously desires for goods to satisfy themselves. After getting the goods human kinds are looking for new market; expansion of outer market and goods. According to Karl Marx’s idea, people have desires to have something what they want. The world will be peaceful if people can own things what they wanted. But the problem is that it cannot occur in real world. The desires of human kinds can be same and the sources are limited. It means that there will be conflicts or competitions to satisfy one’s desire.
Also, there are contradiction on equalization on the profits, labor wages and price of goods. This process gives authority to the super power countries that distracts average profits and equal development (Hilferding. 183~235). For example, to distribute same amounts of profits or money there have to be one big bank that has to control. This means that there is one power bank that controls the every money and this violates equal distribution on authority. Like this, the world trend is making the contradiction. According to this contradiction, the campaigns to destroy present society are happening through struggles, riots and revolutions (Lenin, 107). Lenin said “If it were necessary to give the briefest possible definition of imperialism, we should have to say that imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism.” This means that imperialism exists in the capitalism.
             Through this essay, I and the readers learned about the definition of terrorisms and defined the reason why terrors cannot disappear. Now, the essay will be about the direction of solution. As we find out, there are no ways to eliminate the terrorisms but there is the way to reduce the terrorism. .
             The most important thing is “communication.” By communicating continuously between empires and bad lands. Due to communication, each countries or societies could understand each other. With understanding, each country could raise possibility to achieve their goals not by using violent action. Also, super power countries should not use their power to the weak countries. If the strong nations use their power to the not powerful countries, there will be conflicts between those. By having these trends on global society, it can accommodate worldwide peace.



Wheeler, Tony. Bad Lands. Trans. 문주 . N.p.: culturegraphics, 2009. N. pag. Print.
Hardt, Michael, and Antonio Negri. Empire. Trans. 수종 . N.p.: 이학사, 2000. 220-47. Print.

Antonio Negri, La fabbrica della strategia. Dadua: CLEUP, 1976. Print

Karl Marx, Grundrisse, Trans. Martin Nicolaus 408. Print

Drehle, David V. "Death comes for the terrorist." TIME 20 May (2011): 14-24. Print.
, 경복. " 라덴 이후(After Bin Laden)." JoongAng Daily 9 May 2011: A19+. Print.

Hatton, Lenny. "Penttbom." Federal Bureau of Investigation. N.p., 27 Sept. 2001. Web. 3 June 2011. <http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/history/famous-cases/9-11-investigation/9-11-investigation>.
Calvin College Hekman Library openURL resolver
Global Terrorism Database. Ed. Adam Perer. N.p., 15 Feb. 2008. Web. 3 June 2011. <http://www.start.umd.edu/gtd/features/GTD-Data-Rivers.aspx>. 

2nd assignments- handcuffs


           Being I as one of the students in Korea, I have a large amount to say about the Korean education system. One thing that I recognize from Sir Ken Robinson’s lecture is that educational system is a worldwide problem. And, I was touched with his word “revolution.” As he said in his lecture, I thought same as him, necessity of revolution in education system. Then, what is the factor that students feel need change. The most crucial and fundamental problem is attitude of the system that doesn’t respect students’ diverse behaviors and thoughts. The system itself is made to suppress the diverse thinking, and pursuing one type of person; going to the good college and get a nice job.
           As Ken Robinson said, students and kids have their own ability and passion, and they have to have an environment that raise their talents and give them an encouragement. But, now in Korea, not only the Korea but most of the countries, made education environment that is opposite to the environment that kids really need. Countries’ education model makes students to compete themselves and make lists to organize: top, middle, bottom class, only by students’ test scores. This system is made to teach us the competition; that there must be losers when there are winners. Also, this system including teachers made us to think only about “college,” that limits our talents.
           Our school system limits our talents and abilities. It never accepts diversity. But, we need to, no have to respect the diversity. Because, the world is consist with diverse fields, people, thoughts and cultures. For example, there are many differences between Catholic and Hinduism. If our school educates students focus on Catholic and make students to adapt only on Catholic culture; the world cannot be harmonious. Also, there are many different yields: arts, music, science, economy and so on. All of things that consists world are important, and there must be experts in each area. And, in the world there are kids who are innately talented in one area or more. Then, we should make environment that helps each kids to develop their own talent, not suppressing their talents.
           As, Ken Robinson said, it is time-consuming and hard to make revolution on education system. But, there are some people I know who works hard to change this situation, Michelle Rhee. She, well known as a school destruction model, is working hard to help students who get disadvantages because of the money and wants to change teachers who are authoritarian. She wants teachers to “devote themselves to the children, believe possibilities of the students and give them encouragements.” She appeared on “Oprah” and raised 1billion dollars to promote “transformative reform.” There are other people who work to change this education system except Ken Robinson and Michelle Rhee, but it is not enough. But, through people’s interest and motives to change this old-fashion system, in the future, we could change the system that is for the students not for the teachers and schools.
            I am sick of the situation, society that leads our goals to one ultimate goal, “college.” We can live although we do not have college graduation diploma. All we need is a talent to live and to devote to the world. Because of this rotten system, students are handcuffed. Meaning students do not have freedom to raise their own ability except studying. The society itself is a jail and students are handcuffed. I believe there must be reformation in education system and we have to work together to achieve it.