2012년 4월 3일 화요일

three sides story

           October 27th, 2014. The last game of the World Series Baseball is finally heading toward the end, 9th inning. The New York Yankees is on the last offense, and the St. Louis Cardinals is on the defense. Victor Manuel Marte who is a winner of the closer of the year in the last year, is warming up for the last inning. If he blocks New York Yankees’ last offense, St. Louis Cardinals will win the game, and be the champion of year 2014. On the batter’s box, Russell Martin, an 8th batter, is preparing. Is he can be a Yankee’s hero, or are there other people who can be a Yankee’s hero? Let’s wait and see.
           St. Louis is winning by achieving three points, but New York Yankees didn’t make any scores.

New York Yankee vs. Saint Louis Cardinals
= 0 vs. 3

           What kind of ball I should throw? Ummh.. Let’s go with the fastball. Oh yeah, he swung! It’s a strike. Then, I will throw a curve. Two strike. I need one more ball for a strike out.

           Oh no….it’s already two strike… What will be the next ball? Fastball? Slider? Let’s just swing a bat. F(ire tr)uck! It was a forkball. I should move my ankle downward. Keung. Oh, it’s great that I cut that ball. It’s still two strikes, I have more chances. Let’s concentrate on the ball. I shouldn’t swing, this ball is a ball. 2 strikes and 1 ball.

One out

           It was easy. Who will be the next batter? It’s Brett Gardner…tricky one. Our team’s catcher is ordering me to go with a slider. Strike! It’s time for a fastball. KKang?! It’s going behind..far behind…Home run? No.. It’s just a foul. Brett Gardner is a nice batter, I should be careful with him. The catcher has same thought with me, let’s throw a fastball. Ball. Then, let’s go with a curve. Ball?! Why is that a ball, not a strike? Two balls and two strikes? What should I gonna do with him.

           It’s two ball two strikes. Marte is afraid of Brett Gardner. I should make Marte to throw fast ball that he is most confident with. Oh Brett Gardner cut his fast ball! This won’t be easy game. Marte throw a curve near Marte. Yeah, curve. Uh? That ball is heading toward the center of the strike zone. KKang…Gardner hit the ball.

           Oh..$h!t. Brett hit my ball. He is going to run to the 2nd base, I think. So, frustrating. Let’s just concentrate with the next batter, Derek Jeter. What? Derek Jeter? Oh no… I don’t feel so good about this. Ooops? Why my ball is too slow and heading toward the center of the strike zone? Don’t feel so good…Kkkkkannnnng! The ball is flying back..heading beyond a center fielder..Really? Really is it a homerun?

New York Yankee vs. Saint Louis Cardinals
= 2 vs. 3

           Okay…Don’t be afraid.. You are a final pitcher of this team, and you are still winning. Curtis Granderson is a next batter. He is a player who made 37 homeruns in this season. Can I strike him out? Let’s just throw a ball. Crack. Ooops..the ball that I throw hit him, and he knocked off.

1out, a runner in a 1st base
I think New York Yankee can win this game. Although, the next batter is Robinson Cano who is not in good condition, he has been good batter. He can be strike out, but there are one more chance. And that chance will go to Curtis Granderson, a man who is ranked first in homerun place.

           What should I do with him? Should I believe him one more time, or tell captain to change him with another pitcher? I think he has power but out of control. Who’s the next batter? Robinson Jose Cano…he is not in good condition. I should believe Marte.

           Ummmh….it’s Robinson Cano. He is a very very good batter but he is not in good condition. No, don’t think about him, just think about the game, not other things. I threw a fast-ball, strike. Then, I will throw a fork-ball. Swung. No sound. Yes, two strikes. For the last ball, I will throw a fork. Tahk..a bat is broken and the ball is heading toward the 2nd base. Oh yeah it’s a double play. It’s three out. I won the game. I am a champion.

Final game result

New York Yankees vs. St. Louis Cardinals
         = 2 vs. 3

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