2011년 11월 12일 토요일

movie review

       It is hard to watch a movie in KMLA, but I spend my time to see a movie call ‘The Unjust.’ Because, this movie is directed by 류승완, and there are many famous actors in the movie: 황정민, 류승범, 유해진, 천호진. And, I liked the friend comment about this movie, he said “I do not recommend you to see this movie, because after I watch this movie, I hate human.” This comment is the feeling that I felt after I watched this movie.
           The movie starts with the scene of murder crime. This crime is issue because it cut a girl into pieces after raping her. Due to this crime, the president of Korea asked the prosecution and the police to find the criminal as soon as possible. Because, there are no evidences except destroyed blood cells, they cannot find the criminal, even suspects. So, the head of police demands his old friend 황정민 who is a policeman to make a criminal. On the other side, there are bribes between a prosecutor and a CEO. CEO is giving lots of money to the prosecutor for withdrawing a trail. 황정민 use 유해진 who is a gang, to make “innocent” man a criminal by violence and money. After 황정민 captured “innocent man,” he elevated his status. But, a prosecutor-류승범-find out this “dirty job” between 황정민 and 유해진, threatening 황정민. However, 황정민 had photos about the bribe between 류승범 and the CEO. So, they exchange their “secret,” and go back to work. But, few days later, the “innocent man” is proven that he is a real criminal by solving DNA from destroyed blood cells. When, 황정민’s coworkers found out the “backdoor trade,” they killed 황정민, and the pictures of bribe between the CEO and 유해진 were spread to journals. At the end, 류승범’s backer help 류승범 by saying that he will blow a drug crimes to the journal, and it will make citizens forget about 류승범.
           As I mentioned before, I saw this movie due to my friend’s review about this movie: I do not recommend you to see this movie, because after I watch this movie, I hate human. Well, I felt that way. I find out the dirty side of Korea Society, and black minds of people. This movie points out the society where money and power can be used as absolute ability that can even hide the scandals. I could feel this emotion overall film, but more acutely at the end where 류승범’s backer said “few days later, there will be drug crisis in the entertainment world. It will gonna help you to solve this problem.” Also, this film criticize the Korea society’s mood about the “line” that is necessary to succeed in Korea. This line means having same college, having same born area and knowing people who are powerful in the society. I really felt awkward toward human beings, and I promise myself to pay tax as government say and to live morally. And, I want to live as my brain and heart tell me what things to do, not trying to read others’ face.
           I liked this movie because it has described the dark side like desire of money, power and fame. I am not saying that desire is a bad thing, but I am saying that behaviors to achieve those things are not moral and even killing people. Also, the acts of the actors were really great. 유해진 act well during the scene to make “criminal.” It was so real that feeling of abhor, madness to 유해진 and sympathy to “made criminal.” A famous line comes at this scene, he says “You murdered a kid from now on.”
 Not only 유해진, but 류승범 act well as a corrupted prosecutor. He sketched himself as an animal which is hungry at money. He is a character who can use his power-a prosecutor-to earn, or control other people. When he had conflict with CEO, he said “Are you laughing Korean prosecutor? Hah? Can you control your mind, after I talk about you back trade of your building?” Finally, 류승완, a director, made a good mood during the story and give reality of this plot. So, my overall score for this film is

댓글 1개:

  1. Interesting graph. I like this review, and I would probably enjoy this movie, as I kind of like the wilder Korean movies such as Old Boy and Memories of Murder and JSA etc. But sometimes Korean movies get a bit too crazy and really shock me - such as "I Saw The Devil." Maybe this one is along those lines and too extreme.

    The summary near the top is a bit heavy, but I like your hook and the comments afterwards. Nice job!
