2011년 11월 26일 토요일

Reflective essay-after 20years

             Before I write reflective essay, I have to make two crucial premises. The first premise is that I am married man who has son or daughter. Being alive to that age is a vital assumption that I should made. Now, let’s begin the “real” essay.
             To. My Son
           As your father, son, I am writing this letter that might help you in the future. You have to be aware that you are the “subject” who pioneers your life. This cannot be done or hand over by me, your mother or other people. It means that you are the only one who is charge of your life, inferring you have to lead your life “alone”.
           There are times you might feel exhaustion, tiredness, sorrow or loneliness that you want to give up. This is a moment that you want to depend on others. Parents are not enough to be your prop. Because, I lived in different environment with different social atmosphere, I might have different thought with you, or you will be mad at me because I cannot understand you fully. It will increase your anger, not helping you. This is why you need friends. Your friend will understand you more, make you feel better than me and finally will be your supporter. But, you have to make “good” friends. Although, it’s not right to judge people good or bad, you have to make good friends. You need friends who can rely on whenever you are difficult, who you can trust more than your parents. Not only these, but you have to make friends who could lead you in a better way, a way that is moral, not to a corruption.  
           You might think “why my father is sending this letter to me that is useless”. But, as a senior of life, and as a person who experiences and went through the life earlier than you, my son, I believe these are really important for you later in future.

           I will again make some more nitpicks then. I hope that you live as you are, making your characteristics, making your dream and work to achieve your dream. I will try my best, not to interrupt you, maximizing your liberty. But, you have to know that responsibility follows after your freedom of decision.
           You do not have to abuse yourself to study well, or go to the high level university. If you believe you are interested or good at other things, you do not need to be captured in studying. There are many other ways to live, except study. Be brave, and do things that you really like, or ask me to help you to support your interest. I am ready to support you as my parents did it to me. You have to make a chance; you should not wait the chance to come to you. And, do not lose self-confidence, and be brave.
           Oh, I would not touch about your future girlfriend. I believe making many girlfriends will help you to find your wife in future. Find a girl that you really love, a girl whom you can lean. Beauty is not the best thing.
           I love you, my son.

                                                                                               May, 5, 2030
                                                  The day when my son went out to the world 10months        

댓글 1개:

  1. You will be an excellent father, and maybe your father imparted similar wisdom upon you when you entered KMLA. Of course, the "girlfriend" advice wouldn't work here, because you can't do that. University, however, will be a different scene. I agree with all the above advice. Nice approach to the assignment. A unique angle.
