2011년 11월 9일 수요일

Three words describing yourself

     In the ocean, lots of fish exist. And, one of the fish in the ocean represents me. I change my feature to survive in the ocean, like adopting gills and fins. Like a real world, winners and losers exist in the ocean and I have to be strong to win the competition, to secure foods and to protect family. Also, I as a ocean, I accept many other fish, changing myself as fish's characteristics. I change temperature and transparency that best fits to the fish. I change myself to make peaceful atmosphere among fish, it's like a solar system. Solar system stay in the best balance, spinning around Sun, that is harmonious. I try hard to keep harmony between friends or teachers. People do not interfere with others very much but take effect from others, like one planet take effect from other planets' gravity. Fish, ocean and solar system describe me as I exist.

댓글 1개:

  1. You are both a fish (which one) and the ocean? It's nice the allusion to planets and any object one can also become beyond the Kuiper Belt...^^
