2011년 12월 5일 월요일

photo shop

Well, this is just a homework for art that is making our own album cover.
I know that you are not looking for an essay about this picture.
I just post my work here just for a show up that I am good at photo shop
Thank you.

P.S. 그대를 그린다-HLIN is really a good music

2011년 12월 2일 금요일

Reading Journal

The Body

           Reminiscence. It is the word that popped in my head, when I read this novella, The Body. This story is generally about character Gordie, reminding his young experiences. He had true friends: Vern, Teddy and Chris, who can really care and shared the feelings together. And, they suddenly planned a travel to find the corpse.

           I felt sympathy in this part. When, I was young, I thought Yamakasi, corpse, military, guns and things that look cool and powerful are really amazing. And, I tried to follow those things or watch videos about those categories. Those things were really fantastic to me, but the travel with my friends was the thing that I really hoped. Also, I dreamed to have a tree house that can be used as a secret place with my friends, but not for the place to play pokers and smoke. Well, traveling and tree house could not achieve in real world. So, when I was looking at the scene of tree house and planning immediately to go to find corpse, I thought about my past when I thought same like the characters in the movie. And, I thought about the imagination I had, when I really wanted to have a tree house, the secret place.
           Also, I had to admit that when I was young age, I admire to be look strong so make up the words that are meaningless. For example, I stole things in the market, I saw a monster, I had a fight with 6 people who are older than me, spitting swear and some kind of bluff. These kinds of features are well-demonstrated in this film. Like, Teddy, Vern always says swear and making bluffs.
           Vern, Teddy and Chris are the characters that match with my friends when I was in elementary school. Not only my friends but those kids’ characteristics are easily seen in other people’s friends, common features in our elementary friend.  There is a friend who has a problem with his parents, a friend who is coward and a friend who is good at talk. As I make new friends as I grow up, there were not friends who fit easily to me, meaning my elementary friends are the best friends I had ever had. And, this thought corresponds with the thought of this book’s author, or Gordie. Although, I and my friends could not contact, because of my position, I really miss them so much. 

And, when we are age 12 or 13, we feel independence against parents, and we are more familiar with our friends. When I was that age, I spent most of time with my friends, that I absented the academy and played game with my friends. And I and my friends planned to go to trip together to the valley, although it was closed with my house. Making the memories were the value that I promoted when I was young.
Running is a thing that I did with my friends. Students, age 12, have prides about running fast. I and my friends had always competed to run faster. So, we had race every day. This type of image is in the book, “The Body.”
This story really matches with my experience when I was young. So, when I read this book, I could rethink about the memories that I made with my friends. I could memorize the feelings that I had at that era. I believe they will do well in their high schools, and want to meet them later in future.       

2011년 11월 26일 토요일

Reflective essay-after 20years

             Before I write reflective essay, I have to make two crucial premises. The first premise is that I am married man who has son or daughter. Being alive to that age is a vital assumption that I should made. Now, let’s begin the “real” essay.
             To. My Son
           As your father, son, I am writing this letter that might help you in the future. You have to be aware that you are the “subject” who pioneers your life. This cannot be done or hand over by me, your mother or other people. It means that you are the only one who is charge of your life, inferring you have to lead your life “alone”.
           There are times you might feel exhaustion, tiredness, sorrow or loneliness that you want to give up. This is a moment that you want to depend on others. Parents are not enough to be your prop. Because, I lived in different environment with different social atmosphere, I might have different thought with you, or you will be mad at me because I cannot understand you fully. It will increase your anger, not helping you. This is why you need friends. Your friend will understand you more, make you feel better than me and finally will be your supporter. But, you have to make “good” friends. Although, it’s not right to judge people good or bad, you have to make good friends. You need friends who can rely on whenever you are difficult, who you can trust more than your parents. Not only these, but you have to make friends who could lead you in a better way, a way that is moral, not to a corruption.  
           You might think “why my father is sending this letter to me that is useless”. But, as a senior of life, and as a person who experiences and went through the life earlier than you, my son, I believe these are really important for you later in future.

           I will again make some more nitpicks then. I hope that you live as you are, making your characteristics, making your dream and work to achieve your dream. I will try my best, not to interrupt you, maximizing your liberty. But, you have to know that responsibility follows after your freedom of decision.
           You do not have to abuse yourself to study well, or go to the high level university. If you believe you are interested or good at other things, you do not need to be captured in studying. There are many other ways to live, except study. Be brave, and do things that you really like, or ask me to help you to support your interest. I am ready to support you as my parents did it to me. You have to make a chance; you should not wait the chance to come to you. And, do not lose self-confidence, and be brave.
           Oh, I would not touch about your future girlfriend. I believe making many girlfriends will help you to find your wife in future. Find a girl that you really love, a girl whom you can lean. Beauty is not the best thing.
           I love you, my son.

                                                                                               May, 5, 2030
                                                  The day when my son went out to the world 10months        

Mr. Moon's assignment

3. Define briefly the systems approach to business management. Illustrate how this differs from the traditional approach.

           Design, the most important system, is the term that brief out modern business management style. Consumers first pursue convenience rather than beauty, but as consumers fulfill enough convenience; they pursue beauty more than convenience. So, the term design, art of business managing, comes out toward administrators. Not just a design, but design thinking is an important system in today’s business administrating. There are lots of other things that have changed as time pass, not only design thinking.
           At the past, there were no typical systems for producers in firms, just giving motivations to employers for efficiency and pursuing employees’ profits. For the efficiency, company “Ford” made a chain belt that raise efficiency, making more products than the time when one worker made one product. This is different from modern day process. Now, factories use “cell production system” that consist with some skilled workers working in a one cell and take charge of one product. This is useful because we need small people than chain belt, and can easily change quantity of output that minimizes loss. For example, the company “Canon” uses this system; it has reduced the days of average inventory on hand and increased the experts.
Other firm made a specialize structure, a firm that are specialize on only one field. This structure seems to handle works efficiently because it seems to make idea easily by having many experts working on one field. But, as time pass firms cannot depend only one field, because it is hard to get lots of creative ideas. So, companies use “design thinking” as a system of their companies. Simply design thinking means to combine many fields and find solutions of the problems. The problems do not limit into companies’ problems but other global issues. The best fit company which uses this “design thinking” system is “IDEO”. In the meeting, many people who have different major talks about one issue. If there is a good idea, they design it into real product and sell it to the other companies. We could infer that past firm focus on specialization, but modern firm focus on unification.
Choosing specific customers are different advertisement system from the past which advertise to all common people. Past advertisement aimed all the people, but now companies aim particular people in the society. It means that when the company produces a good, they select customers: female, male, young, old, job and so on. The most typical items that choose customers are luxury goods. Brands that produce luxury goods aim top drawers in the society who have lots of money. “Gucci,” “Chanel,” “Prada” and “Rolex” are one of those brands. Items made from these brands are highly expensive that only wealthy people could buy it. By differentiating the customers and making patrons, these brands easily make profits than other brands in market.
As industry grows, many management systems have changed: producer line, structure and advertisement. This change is base on increase of economic level that led change of consumers’ tastes about the goods which require more quantity, aesthetic and fitness. We could see the examples, adopt new management system, are highly successful and well-known companies in our society.         

2011년 11월 20일 일요일

Review of a TED video:Gabe Zichermann: How games make kids smarter

            Readers of this essay probably had conflicts with their mother due to video games or computer games. According to my experience, my mother said to me in gravity voice “turn off that computer game, it will make you violent, and it will also harm your brain”. It is an insipid cliché. But, I was a kid who likes to play games, but I thought mother’s words are right, and stop the game. And, I thought about a person who could tell my mother that the game is good for me, and for the children. When I look up the TED homepage to choose a video to see, the title “How games make kids smarter” caught me up. Who prove my mother’s words are fallacious. So, Gabe Zicherman would be a laudable man, if I was a kid.

           This video tells about the positive side of a game, with a new word called “gamification.”  According to Gabe Zichermann, there are 5 common features of succeeded game: seek novelty, challenge yourself, think creatively, do things the hard way and network. Also, the 5 things that enhanced fluid intelligence correspond with those common features. G generation is another term that he used in his lecture. He said that age of KMLA students or newly born generations are pivotally affected with the game than book. So, the education, base on game than book, is more effective. Gabe Zichermann gave an example about this effectiveness. This experiment is held by Ananth Pai, who used Nintendo DS as assistant of an education toward 3rd grade of elementary school that is a great exemplary. After 18 weeks, the average level of learning augmented to 4th grade of elementary school. Gabe Zichermann said that it is because of a game that produces dopamine, a motivator of study. He gave an advice to the parents: get in to the game with your kids.
           After hearing this lecture, I wanted to tell to all of the parents, including dorm parents, who are against computer games, “Do not touch kids when kids are playing a game, it will help your kids’ future”. Also, I think about my status, dubious about how my present life would differ when my mother allowed me to play games. I will write about my present life, if I played a game as I wanted, although it is fickle.
           First thought that comes into my mind is that I won’t be here, in KMLA. If I just played game, my head will be specialized to the game, and does not work or dearth interest except for the game. This means that I would not be interested in the book, but would rather react only to the flash lights coming out from the monitor. So, I would not have test scores for application of KMLA, or would not apply to KMLA, because I would not be interested in it. It is a conspicuous result.
           Also, I would be vehement on algorism, C language or things that are related with programming. Playing games all day long will bore me and make me to find the source about the games. And, I would voluntary work hard to make my own game, due to feeling of timid. So, to make a game, I have to learn about computer languages, and learn it with Internet lecture, not by the books. I might get an award in the IT Olympiad. Then, I could enter NEXON, BLIZZARD or other computer game company that fits into my interest. And, I might engender a famous game.
Not only that I would not be verbose kid like now, because I would not make amity with friends.
          Because, I prefer to be in the KMLA than working as an engineer, I believe there should be restrictions on playing game. It is ironic. But, I sincerely agree with the fact that game makes me happy and complacent.


2011년 11월 12일 토요일

movie review

       It is hard to watch a movie in KMLA, but I spend my time to see a movie call ‘The Unjust.’ Because, this movie is directed by 류승완, and there are many famous actors in the movie: 황정민, 류승범, 유해진, 천호진. And, I liked the friend comment about this movie, he said “I do not recommend you to see this movie, because after I watch this movie, I hate human.” This comment is the feeling that I felt after I watched this movie.
           The movie starts with the scene of murder crime. This crime is issue because it cut a girl into pieces after raping her. Due to this crime, the president of Korea asked the prosecution and the police to find the criminal as soon as possible. Because, there are no evidences except destroyed blood cells, they cannot find the criminal, even suspects. So, the head of police demands his old friend 황정민 who is a policeman to make a criminal. On the other side, there are bribes between a prosecutor and a CEO. CEO is giving lots of money to the prosecutor for withdrawing a trail. 황정민 use 유해진 who is a gang, to make “innocent” man a criminal by violence and money. After 황정민 captured “innocent man,” he elevated his status. But, a prosecutor-류승범-find out this “dirty job” between 황정민 and 유해진, threatening 황정민. However, 황정민 had photos about the bribe between 류승범 and the CEO. So, they exchange their “secret,” and go back to work. But, few days later, the “innocent man” is proven that he is a real criminal by solving DNA from destroyed blood cells. When, 황정민’s coworkers found out the “backdoor trade,” they killed 황정민, and the pictures of bribe between the CEO and 유해진 were spread to journals. At the end, 류승범’s backer help 류승범 by saying that he will blow a drug crimes to the journal, and it will make citizens forget about 류승범.
           As I mentioned before, I saw this movie due to my friend’s review about this movie: I do not recommend you to see this movie, because after I watch this movie, I hate human. Well, I felt that way. I find out the dirty side of Korea Society, and black minds of people. This movie points out the society where money and power can be used as absolute ability that can even hide the scandals. I could feel this emotion overall film, but more acutely at the end where 류승범’s backer said “few days later, there will be drug crisis in the entertainment world. It will gonna help you to solve this problem.” Also, this film criticize the Korea society’s mood about the “line” that is necessary to succeed in Korea. This line means having same college, having same born area and knowing people who are powerful in the society. I really felt awkward toward human beings, and I promise myself to pay tax as government say and to live morally. And, I want to live as my brain and heart tell me what things to do, not trying to read others’ face.
           I liked this movie because it has described the dark side like desire of money, power and fame. I am not saying that desire is a bad thing, but I am saying that behaviors to achieve those things are not moral and even killing people. Also, the acts of the actors were really great. 유해진 act well during the scene to make “criminal.” It was so real that feeling of abhor, madness to 유해진 and sympathy to “made criminal.” A famous line comes at this scene, he says “You murdered a kid from now on.”
 Not only 유해진, but 류승범 act well as a corrupted prosecutor. He sketched himself as an animal which is hungry at money. He is a character who can use his power-a prosecutor-to earn, or control other people. When he had conflict with CEO, he said “Are you laughing Korean prosecutor? Hah? Can you control your mind, after I talk about you back trade of your building?” Finally, 류승완, a director, made a good mood during the story and give reality of this plot. So, my overall score for this film is

2011년 11월 9일 수요일

Three words describing yourself

     In the ocean, lots of fish exist. And, one of the fish in the ocean represents me. I change my feature to survive in the ocean, like adopting gills and fins. Like a real world, winners and losers exist in the ocean and I have to be strong to win the competition, to secure foods and to protect family. Also, I as a ocean, I accept many other fish, changing myself as fish's characteristics. I change temperature and transparency that best fits to the fish. I change myself to make peaceful atmosphere among fish, it's like a solar system. Solar system stay in the best balance, spinning around Sun, that is harmonious. I try hard to keep harmony between friends or teachers. People do not interfere with others very much but take effect from others, like one planet take effect from other planets' gravity. Fish, ocean and solar system describe me as I exist.

2011년 11월 6일 일요일

Reading Journal-The body

           Metafiction is a word that readers have to think about during reading this story: The Body. And, there is a part of story that is written by Gordon. But, I want to be specific about the very first part of The Body. Where it starts with “The most important things are the hardest things to say.” While I read this part, I could not understand it, although I read it several times.
           Why the most important things are the hardest things to say. There are much more important things that we could think. Like love, family or friendships and so on. But, why, the hardest things to say are the most important things? Well, the clue to solve this question was on the next sentence: they are the things you get ashamed of, because words diminish them-words shrink things that seemed limitless when they were in your head to no more than living size when they’re brought out. There are things that we cannot express with the human expression, it would be better to be stay in our thoughts, imagination. For example, if you married with the girl who you really like, how can you express feeling with the words, or how could you catch the scene of it. We cannot catch or maintain that scene by taking photo or writing in the diary. If we do, we cannot fully express the feelings. And this is the meaning of limiting things that are in your head.
           Also, “the most important things lie too close to wherever your secret heart is buried, like landmarks to a treasure your enemies would love to steal away.” I believe this phrase means that values that are important to us are easily detected from others, although we hide those values in our heart.
           The author also wrote about the “worst case.” He says that it will be so sad when the listeners could not understand the importance of the values that you think it is really important.  

2011년 10월 31일 월요일



             In 1997, July 15th, there was a mysterious crime that cops cannot figure how he died: suicide or murder. There are no evidences of invasion but there are sign of resistance. But, the most doubtful thing is the last diary. It said
Where am I? It seems that I am in my room, sleeping and now time to wake up. But, I feel some differences than past few days. I feel lighter than other days and feel some kind of fantasy. Finding that I feel so good, and having ecstasy through this phenomenon; I had a strong desire to stay like this forever. Soon, the bell rang and I feel really disturb. I looked at the clock, it was 8 o’clock, must be call from my boss. My boss, who always disturb me and interrupts me, now, I want to have my own feeling and freedom.
‘Nobody can interrupt me from now on.’
             No matter what I do to keep my feeling, the bell rings again. When I answer phone with INSTINCT voice, I heard
“Hello, Johny Blaze speaking.”
“Hello Mr. Lays. Have a nice day in Holiday Inn.”
I hate this call. I hate traveling. I hate single serving toothbrush they give me. I hate those some old cheese burgers on the road. I HATE EVERYTHING SURROUND ME EXCEPT MY LAPTOP.
             I took my laptop but didn’t type anything. Just gazed the screen for a while and started to click anything that popped up on the Internet.
             Somehow I managed to go to an online book store. While I was hanging around, I found a book that has exactly same contents with my situation. This book seems to be longer than my situation. Then, I saw the author of that book, surprisingly the book was written by ‘Johny Blaze.’ When I want to see the end of this book, I type title of this book on browse, but found nothing but one blog. When I enter that blog it said ‘DEATH.’ I was so scared that I turn off my laptop and woke up.
             I open my eyes, hearing the bell ringing in my room and the door bell is ringing too.
           It seems that somebody came to his room and killed him. But, as I said there are no signs of invasion. BUT, ‘DEATH’ was on the monitor when cops enter the room. So, they trace the phone number which made phone bell ringing. But, there was no phone call at that time. Because they cannot find the clues, they ask neighbors about him. Neighbors said that he is a guy who works hard but gets stress about the work. Also, they said he stayed well with his friends and neighbors, meaning there were no enemies or people who hates him. A police stayed alone in the place where the man died, thinking about this mystery. Then, a police decided to report his death as suicide. But, we have to remember there were also no clues of suicide.
             So, a policeman stayed in the place to MAKE evidence, to make a report as a suicide. When he tried to do that, he found that the door is locked. AND, the ‘DEATH’ was on the computer monitor.

2011년 10월 29일 토요일

response to kim ki duk's movie

     Civilization is a new form of society that was made in modern society. Before the civilization, there was a balance between nature and human society. In that era human society was called culture. But, due to humans' greediness, people tried to conquer nature. This is a moment when civilization found. Human's avarice is a main point of a film and my essay.
     In this film, kid restrict animals movement by connecting rocks to their body, and he enjoy it. Restricting the behavior is a symbol of human's desire of possess. People does not want things to go out from them, but just to stay with them. So, human made a right to possess things near them. For example, there was a time in my life that I like bugs and like to collect those. In the book, I saw a praying manit. A praying manit is an insect that is most powerful in insect world. Because I was young I liked the things that are strong and fancy. So, I went to plain to catch it. Finally, I found one and kept it in my house. Few days later, it died. Like this people have desire to possess things that they like, not knowing this desire interrupts harmony of nature.
     Rocks and threads are goods that made me think kid's behavior as a human's avarice to possess. When, I saw the scene of animals trapped with rocks and threads, I had an image of pay tags that can be easily seen in the market.  

2011년 10월 8일 토요일

book report

Lee Do Hyun
Reading Journal-Different Seasons

           This book ‘Different Seasons’ is well known as movie ‘Shawshank redemption.’ As I read this book, I had a question that who is main character: Red or Andy. People would think Red is just a character who narrates Andy’s story, and Andy is a character who actually gives theme of this book. So, people would think that Andy is the main character of this story. But, I believe that main character of ‘Different Season’ is ‘Red’ and this story is about interaction between Andy and Red.  
           The most crucial evidence is in the end of this story. In the end, the story only focuses on the Red who lives in outer life, another name for life as non-prisoner’s life. But as he lives in the outer life, Red finds out that he could not adjust to new world. At the end, the book mentions ‘It’s all about me, every damned word of it.’ In this book Red is using Andy to reflect himself as a change man or a man who are looking for hope.
           One part of the hero’s journey is a ‘meeting mentor,’ and many readers think ‘Red’ as a mentor of ‘Andy.’ But, I believe that Red’s mentor is Andy. Red as you see, he failed to parole. Although, it is not only his problem to get fail on the parole, but it means that he didn’t rehabilitated. But, he met freshman ‘Andy,’ who have good attitude and who is really ‘innocent.’ He adjusted to the Shawshank life not like others but morally. Red is interested on Andy and became a friend with him, and he changed the mind. He was just a prisoner who lived without ‘HOPE.’ But, as he talks with Andy and learning from Andy’s behaviors, he had hope to live. To live morally who regret himself as a prisoner, and who have hope to have new life. Like this, Andy is mentor of Red who gave him HOPE to start a new life.
           Hope is a main theme of this Shawshank redemption. There are many things that symbolize hope in this story as well. The picture of Rita Hayworth is one of them. Including poster of Rita Hayworth, other women represent outside world, hope, and desire to live normally. Rita Hayworth is a woman who reminds Andy to look forward to live outside life and keeps him alive. This picture gives motivation to Andy, to break the wall and go to the outer life. Also, rocks and hammers is another symbol of hope to normal life. By keeping his habits of making arts, he could remain different from other inmates. This behavior is one of his behaviors to pursue normal life. He also gives his works to other prisoners which mean spreading hope to the others.
           Not only hope but also, it shows the corruption and bad side of human. People living in the Shawshank are literally bad guys, who made crimes: murder, thief and so on. But, I am not going to talk about the things that prisoners did to come to the Shawshank. People in the Shawshank are looking for self-satisfactory in corrupted way like drugs, gay sex and violence. They are always looking for ecstasy not happiness.  

2011년 10월 7일 금요일

chain writing

International English class

Mr. Garrioch

Do Hyun Lee


             Where am I? It seems that I am in my room, sleeping and now time to wake up. But, I feel some differences than past few days. I feel lighter than other days and feel some kind of fantasy. Finding that I feel so good, and having ecstasy through this phenomenon; I had a strong desire to stay like this forever. Soon, the bell rang and I feel really disturb. I looked at the clock, it was 8 o’clock, must be call from my boss. My boss, who always disturb me and interrupts me, now, I want to have my own feeling and freedom.
‘Nobody can interrupt me from now on.’
             No matter what I do to keep my feeling, the bell rings again. When I answer phone with INSTINCT voice, I heard
“Hello, Johny Blaze speaking.”
“Hello Mr. Lays. Have a nice day in Holiday Inn.”
I hate this call. I hate traveling. I hate single serving toothbrush they give me. I hate those some old cheese burgers on the road. I HATE EVERYTHING SURROUND ME EXCEPT MY LAPTOP.
             I took my laptop but didn’t type anything. Just gazed the screen for a while and started to click anything that popped up on the Internet.
             Somehow I managed to go to an online book store. While I was hanging around, I found a book that has exactly same contents with my situation. This book seems to be longer than my situation. Then, I saw the author of that book, surprisingly the book was written by ‘Johny Blaze.’ When I want to see the end of this book, I type title of this book on browse, but found nothing but one blog. When I enter that blog it said ‘DEATH.’ I was so scared that I turn off my laptop and woke up.
             I open my eyes, hearing the bell ringing in my room.

2011년 9월 16일 금요일

two cues

Two cues

           Entertaining is one of the most important value in my life; maybe, important to all of human-kinds. We desire for joy and there are many different ways to resolve joy: game, music, dance and so on. But, I believe that game is the most common use way to solve our desire of entertainment. The game that is “as steady as a rocking horse, as subtle as a bruise,” is a “billiard.” And, billiard is a game that I like to play, and the game that I and my friend played after the test to forget about the scores. As I remind my memory about my play, I found that this game is similar with our lives. I will proof that billiard is similar to our lives for several reasons.
           First of all, a bet is one of the most important things as I and my friend play billiard. When I lose the game, I have to pay all of the money for the game I played, or I have to buy my friend a lunch or dinner. This means that winner takes all advantages. There must be winner and loser in this game. And, our society enforce us to make losers to make winners; although, there are way to cooperate together. After competition, winner is decided, and winner takes all advantages: money, power. This process, being winner, takes a large amount of time because there are many things to prepare or given talents. For example, winner have to study well to get a high score on the test, have to have leadership, have to have father’s economic support and practice. Like this, to be the winner on billiard game, it takes long time. I have to practice many times to control my ball, have to use brain to make picture after my turn, and there should be luck. Pursuing winner is a one thing that is similar between our lives and billiard, also both processes are steady.     
           Also, unpredictability is another same characteristic between billiard and life. Due to our small behaviors our future could change or mislead. I was playing billiard with my friend and I almost win the game; I scored 80 out of 100. But, I accidently hit the ball in a wrong direction, and my friend had a turn. I was sure that I would win because my friend was far away from ending score. However, my friend luckily won the game so I have to pay all the money and buy him a lunch. I did not expect that my mistake will lead this result. Life is same as billiard. We do not know the future because of our present behaviors. So, we have to be careful about our behaviors and have to work hard to make least mistakes. Not only our behaviors, but 3rd person could influence our future. In the game, if other player misbehavior could influence me. Because of my friend’s luck, I did not have chance to play and get a good score.
           To wrap up, there are some similarities between billiard and our life. Both things are unpredictable and characteristic of our society. But, I can say that life is much more joyful than just playing a billiard. There are many variables that could change our lives, and can feel the satisfaction through the interaction among people.      

2011년 9월 12일 월요일

Report about terror

Do Hyun Lee
Johnson Carlton
English Writing
17 May 2011
             Terror. What things come into your mind when you hear or see this word? Although, there can be many things but most of the people will think of 9.11 terror. Why this terror is taking place on many people’s thought? Because it made lots of damages to the big nation that is United State of America. Also, the Osama Bin Laden who is the leader of Al-Qaeda is known as the master mind of this people. By this fact, 9.11 terror is an perfect example that is against the big nation. When I was young and saw that terror, I just thought Osama Bin Laden is just a bad man who made lots of damages in the United States. Although I became old, I didn’t have time to think about this event and forgot about the terror. But due to the situation that happened in the Libya also the Osama Bin Laden’s death (Kwon 9 ) saying “Obama is the best terrorist on the world.”(Kwon, 9). And I found out terror is the world-wide problem. Also, I felt I have to think about this matter and have to find the solution of the terrorism that can help or change the world. Not only that, I felt reducing the terror will help to accommodate the global peace. I want to give the definite solutions to reduce the terrorism but I couldn’t find it, because I found there will be terrors in the future. But I will give the direction of the solutions in this essay. So, this essay will cover about my thought about the terrorisms and the direction to reduce the terrorisms.
             The definition of the terror refer only to those violent acts which are intended to create fear are perpetrated for a religious, political or ideological goal, deliberately target or disregard the safety of civilians, and are committed by non-government agencies
(Encyclopædia Britannica) But I want to define terror as a type of Bad Lands’ protests against empires or the actions that are behaved from empires to Bad Lands to require its goals. This means that the terror can occur in side way, between empire and the Bad Lands. You will be curious why I use the words Bad Lands or the empire. I will explain my definition of the words; bad lands and empire.

             Bad Lands

             The location and the geographical feature doesn’t concern with the countries called “Bad Lands.” Then, what’s the factor that makes countries to feel like Bad Lands. It is because of the government and citizens behave badly with bad sense. The countries tagged Bad Lands have similar people on their land; dictators, national heroes who have critical error, overestimate reformer and so on. Some of these people are overly pursuing the power or hold themselves sacred. There are many weird things happen on countries called Bad Lands. For example, in one nation the terrorist is respected to be a revolutionist, and on other nations’ leaders wants aids from the other countries wishing their country to get worse (Tony Wheeler. 8).


             The imperialism has gone and the economic blocks among countries are hastily breaking down. Now we are passing through the globalization that connects economy and cultures worldwide. With the global market and global production lines, the new form of orders, logics are derived. This means that new kind of sovereign is formed. And the empire is the country that controls the new trends, meaning the sovereign power of the world (Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri. 13)  
But, I want to say that empire and bad lands are not just limited to the countries. It can be just a little society or the human kinds. We can infer that terror can be held by individuals to the society. Then, let’s figure out why I define terror as the resistance that occurs against empire. According to FBI’s reports on the most of the terrors have goals to accomplish. For example, there was terror in the Baghdad, Iraq, killing the Ali Khudir al-Zind who was a prominent Sunni Seik. According to this report, unknown perpetrator killed him due to stop his attempts; to reconcile Sunnis and Shi’is(FBI,gov). Like this even, the small terror; comparing to other terrors, have a purpose. Let’s look at a big terror. There was a big terror in Glasgow Airport in 30. June. 2007. It was firing the Scotland’s biggest airport and this terror was occurred by Al-Qaida to resist against the western ideology (Global Terrorism Database). There are tons of other examples that prove my definition of the terror.  
Let’s find out the reasons of another definition of the terror; actions that are behaved from empires to Bad Lands to achieve goals. The best example that fits to this definition is the assassination of Osama bin Laden (Alex Altman, Michael Crowley. 24). Some people will be curious that why I call this incident “terror.” But, due to my definition, killing Osama bin Laden is a definite violent act that contains a purpose and that means this action is a terror. The purpose of killing Osama bin Laden is to accommodate the world-wide peace.
Although, the terrors might have a good purpose, these still combine the damages. It can destroy the buildings or harm humans. And we could find out that terrors are occurred due to the conflicts between the two nations or more. It will be good for world and society if there are no terrors in the world. But removing the terrors can only occur in the ideal society. I will give two reasons that why the terrors are occurring permanently in the real world.
First of all, human kinds and society that are consisted with human kinds have eager to have outer goods. “Capital is money, capital is commodities. By virtue of it being value, it has acquired the occult ability to add value to itself. It brings forth living offspring, or, at the least, lays golden eggs.” is said by Karl Marx (Karl Marx. 421). This means that society and human kinds continuously desires for goods to satisfy themselves. After getting the goods human kinds are looking for new market; expansion of outer market and goods. According to Karl Marx’s idea, people have desires to have something what they want. The world will be peaceful if people can own things what they wanted. But the problem is that it cannot occur in real world. The desires of human kinds can be same and the sources are limited. It means that there will be conflicts or competitions to satisfy one’s desire.
Also, there are contradiction on equalization on the profits, labor wages and price of goods. This process gives authority to the super power countries that distracts average profits and equal development (Hilferding. 183~235). For example, to distribute same amounts of profits or money there have to be one big bank that has to control. This means that there is one power bank that controls the every money and this violates equal distribution on authority. Like this, the world trend is making the contradiction. According to this contradiction, the campaigns to destroy present society are happening through struggles, riots and revolutions (Lenin, 107). Lenin said “If it were necessary to give the briefest possible definition of imperialism, we should have to say that imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism.” This means that imperialism exists in the capitalism.
             Through this essay, I and the readers learned about the definition of terrorisms and defined the reason why terrors cannot disappear. Now, the essay will be about the direction of solution. As we find out, there are no ways to eliminate the terrorisms but there is the way to reduce the terrorism. .
             The most important thing is “communication.” By communicating continuously between empires and bad lands. Due to communication, each countries or societies could understand each other. With understanding, each country could raise possibility to achieve their goals not by using violent action. Also, super power countries should not use their power to the weak countries. If the strong nations use their power to the not powerful countries, there will be conflicts between those. By having these trends on global society, it can accommodate worldwide peace.



Wheeler, Tony. Bad Lands. Trans. 문주 . N.p.: culturegraphics, 2009. N. pag. Print.
Hardt, Michael, and Antonio Negri. Empire. Trans. 수종 . N.p.: 이학사, 2000. 220-47. Print.

Antonio Negri, La fabbrica della strategia. Dadua: CLEUP, 1976. Print

Karl Marx, Grundrisse, Trans. Martin Nicolaus 408. Print

Drehle, David V. "Death comes for the terrorist." TIME 20 May (2011): 14-24. Print.
, 경복. " 라덴 이후(After Bin Laden)." JoongAng Daily 9 May 2011: A19+. Print.

Hatton, Lenny. "Penttbom." Federal Bureau of Investigation. N.p., 27 Sept. 2001. Web. 3 June 2011. <http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/history/famous-cases/9-11-investigation/9-11-investigation>.
Calvin College Hekman Library openURL resolver
Global Terrorism Database. Ed. Adam Perer. N.p., 15 Feb. 2008. Web. 3 June 2011. <http://www.start.umd.edu/gtd/features/GTD-Data-Rivers.aspx>. 

2nd assignments- handcuffs


           Being I as one of the students in Korea, I have a large amount to say about the Korean education system. One thing that I recognize from Sir Ken Robinson’s lecture is that educational system is a worldwide problem. And, I was touched with his word “revolution.” As he said in his lecture, I thought same as him, necessity of revolution in education system. Then, what is the factor that students feel need change. The most crucial and fundamental problem is attitude of the system that doesn’t respect students’ diverse behaviors and thoughts. The system itself is made to suppress the diverse thinking, and pursuing one type of person; going to the good college and get a nice job.
           As Ken Robinson said, students and kids have their own ability and passion, and they have to have an environment that raise their talents and give them an encouragement. But, now in Korea, not only the Korea but most of the countries, made education environment that is opposite to the environment that kids really need. Countries’ education model makes students to compete themselves and make lists to organize: top, middle, bottom class, only by students’ test scores. This system is made to teach us the competition; that there must be losers when there are winners. Also, this system including teachers made us to think only about “college,” that limits our talents.
           Our school system limits our talents and abilities. It never accepts diversity. But, we need to, no have to respect the diversity. Because, the world is consist with diverse fields, people, thoughts and cultures. For example, there are many differences between Catholic and Hinduism. If our school educates students focus on Catholic and make students to adapt only on Catholic culture; the world cannot be harmonious. Also, there are many different yields: arts, music, science, economy and so on. All of things that consists world are important, and there must be experts in each area. And, in the world there are kids who are innately talented in one area or more. Then, we should make environment that helps each kids to develop their own talent, not suppressing their talents.
           As, Ken Robinson said, it is time-consuming and hard to make revolution on education system. But, there are some people I know who works hard to change this situation, Michelle Rhee. She, well known as a school destruction model, is working hard to help students who get disadvantages because of the money and wants to change teachers who are authoritarian. She wants teachers to “devote themselves to the children, believe possibilities of the students and give them encouragements.” She appeared on “Oprah” and raised 1billion dollars to promote “transformative reform.” There are other people who work to change this education system except Ken Robinson and Michelle Rhee, but it is not enough. But, through people’s interest and motives to change this old-fashion system, in the future, we could change the system that is for the students not for the teachers and schools.
            I am sick of the situation, society that leads our goals to one ultimate goal, “college.” We can live although we do not have college graduation diploma. All we need is a talent to live and to devote to the world. Because of this rotten system, students are handcuffed. Meaning students do not have freedom to raise their own ability except studying. The society itself is a jail and students are handcuffed. I believe there must be reformation in education system and we have to work together to achieve it.

2011년 8월 29일 월요일


     As a student in Korea, I have wrote a lot of essays through academies or school homeworks. But, these essays were fixed with the topic; I could not write my own thought or the topic that I want. There are not any topic related with social problems that I am interested in.
    Social problems, I am interested, are the results of selfishness and moral corruption. By looking and having interest to these problems, I could change my behaviors and attitudes that might harm the others. One of the major social problems is an isolation. As time pass, people think only for themselves, not taking care of the others. So, many early generations who lives alone, die lonely. This is a result of materialism, which pursue the "money." By these facts, I sincerely thought to have a good relations with others, and concern about the others.
    Also, as a writer, I like to relate with the topic with other facts. There might be a danger that I exaggerate the topic as I write down. But, the possibility of this danger is low because it is easy to make sentence that relates two ideas. It is my strength that relates two ideas. It is my strength that relates two ideas. Relating two ideas is my strength to show my wide range of back ground that will give a benefit to me. It is helpful because it will help the readers to remind my essay.
    To sum up, I like to write essays that will help me later future. Not only that, I enjoy the feelings when I wrote my thought on the paper. But, there is one thing that harms my essay, grammar. Although, I work hard to improve my grammar, it is still hard to improve the grammar.